How to use WPML with Foodpress on front-end

Last updated: 9 years ago

You can set up to 3 WPML custom languages that works with 3 customize languages that is supported by foodpress for front-end.

Step 1: Figure out the language code for language #1 in WPML eg. ‘en’, ‘es’, ‘fr’, ‘ de’

Step 2: Go into Foodpress> Language and select L1 and type in correct language text for matching WPML language.

Step 3: Create the shortcode variables.


If Language #1 is French and language code for WPML for this is “fr”

So we would add a shortcode variable like wpml_l1=’fr’


Step 4: follow same steps for other languages with WPML you want to have supported in your website.

Example: If Language #2 is Spanish, and language code in WPML is “es” then the shortcode variables to add is wpml_l2=’es’

Your end shortcode should look something like below:

[add_foodpress_menu wpml_l1='fr' wpml_l2='es']

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