Last updated: 6 years ago
= 1.5.8 (2019-2-16) =
FIXED: Remote updater.
= 1.5.7 (2019-2-15) =
ADDED: Gutenberg support. It is the new editor using blocks.
FIXED: Shortcode generator in the Shortcode tab. Use the purple [] button to copy the shortcode that can then be pasted on a page or in a gutenberg block.
FIXED: Reservation status bug.
UPDATED: Content for option notes in some areas.
= 1.5.6 (2018-12-17) =
ADDED: Deleting a reservation now sends a cancellation email.
ADDED: Language options for cancellation email.
FIXED: Edit link in notification email.
FIXED: Admin meal and dish type icon media script.
= 1.5.5 (2018-12-7) =
ADDED: Shortcode menu item and settings tab to statically show the Shortcode Generator. TinyMCE -> Gutenberg deprecated custom editor buttons
= 1.5.4 (2018-11-1) =
ADDED: License verification for FoodPress and its addons to ensure you get quality features. All licenses can now be purchased at
ADDED: Remote license validation for the plugin instance/domain based on number of sites purchased. Excludes your localhost domain for development copies
ADDED: Remote update notifications using WordPress transients, plugins api and github repositories
ADDED: Settings tab for Import/Export addon
UPDATED: Various formatting to clean up white space
FIXED: Typos and contents
= 1.5.3 (2017-11-30) =
FIXED: URL’s to Support (Help Desk) within the Plugin
= 1.5.2 (2017-11-21) =
FIXED: Saving Reservations settings
FIXED: Saving custom language text
FIXED: Phone number now shows in Reservation lists popup
= 1.5.1 (2017-11-8) =
FIXED: Github Errors in Debug Log
= 1.5 (2017-10-27) =
FIXED: fontawesome errors
FIXED: Widget issue
= 1.4.2 (2016-6-28) =
FIXED: Meal type with multiple IDs not working
FIXED: Boxes and other styles to support single meal type IDs
= 1.4.1 (2016-6-3) =
FIXED: Language tab not working correct
FIXED: Version number update missing
= 1.4 (2016-6-1)
ADDED: Option to hide menu and dish type icons from settings
ADDED: Option to not delete settings when plugin uninstalled
ADDED: pluggable hook ‘foodpress_nutrition_items’ to add more nutrition information fields
ADDED: pluggable hook ‘foodpress_icons_symbols_count’ to add more icon symbols
ADDED: pluggable hook ‘foodpress_custom_meta_data_count’ to extend custom meta fields
ADDED: ability to set default image URL for menu items with no image
FIXED: Success message for reservation form to use date_i18n()
FIXED: reservation date i18n for confirmation email
FIXED: Sub categorized by dish type not showing meal type headers
FIXED: Dish type and meal type descriptions via shortcode
FIXED: Collapsed and collapsable dish type categorized menu
UPDATED: Loading jq ui off google CDN & wp library
UPDATED: License activation for foodpress
UPDATED: Made entire menu box clickable – requires OO update too
UPDATED: License and addon page
UPDATED: Font awesome icons to version 4.6.3
UPDATED: Placeholder input field text color
UPDATED: Multiple styles to better organize Main & Secondary Categories
ALERT: We will be Discontinuing the entire Reservation System in next update
= 1.3.6 (2016-4-18) =
FIXED: In safari reservation time passing incorrectly
FIXED: reservation start time change not updating end time
FIXED: Reservation form phone number not passing
FIXED: onpage reservation appearance changes not showing up
FIXED: Added Flex styles to Menu Items for Boxed Menus for same heights
= 1.3.5 (2016-2-22) =
FIXED: Shortcode Generator now working for Divi/Avada Themes
FIXED: Plugin name passed incorrect in github updater for new update information window
FIXED: Boxed Menu layout now collapsing properly when navigating back to menu
= (2016-2-12)
FIXED: Reservation input field color not saving in backend
FIXED: Reservation success message check mark not displaying icon
= 1.3.4 (2016-2-12) =
FIXED: Errors occurring when viewing details of updates
= 1.3.3 (2016-2-12) =
FIXED: Dish type not working with old shortcode
FIXED: Errors occurring after auto-updating
= 1.3.2 (2016-2-10) =
ADDED: Styles for Menu Descriptions for Headings, Lists, etc. within WYSIWYG editor
ADDED: github based auto updates for the plugin
ADDED: International phone number validation and required field option
ADDED: Jquery trigger menu_lightbox_open when lightbox complete loading
FIXED: Dish type shortcode not working
FIXED: Meal type header coming empty for locations when empty meal types
FIXED: Dish type var incorrect causing specific type menu not work
FIXED: unnecessary shortcode options showing incorrectly
FIXED: Party size placeholder text missing in translations
FIXED: Start reservations from tomorrow not working
FIXED: Mobile lightbox menu not closing
FIXED Addons and licenses page not showing all addon information
FIXED: Order Online select options to open lightbox when ux none for menu
FIXED: Missing arrows.png image wrong url in styles
UPDATED: Shortcode generator to prevent default <a> click actions
UPDATED: Duplication of menu items functions
UPDATED: Made the lightbox close button bigger for smaller screen
= 1.3.1 (2016-1-20) =
FIXED: timepicker initiating on unsupported pages
FIXED: lightbox menu make page stop scrolling
FIXED: Menu type ss_5 not working properly
= 1.3 (2016-1-7) =
ADDED: Language Options for Date and Phone Number Placeholders
ADDED: Focused tab variable for tabbed menu
ADDED: Support for specific meal and dish type menu
ADDED: scroll to meal types menu type
ADDED: Ability to reorder and select/deselect menu card rows of data
ADDED: Option to show menu last updated date
ADDED: New spice level display style
ADDED: Phone number as optional required field
ADDED: Unreservable dates for reservation form
ADDED: Ability to redirect reservation form after submission
ADDED: Ability to set restaurant locations in reservation form
FIXED: meal type description not showing on tabbed version
FIXED: compatibility with eventon
FIXED: Reservation form AM/PM for 12:00
FIXED: Safari Browser Time Field Issue
FIXED: Responsive Styles for Price and Menu Item Title on Mobile Devices
FIXED: Meal type not showing on lightbox menu item
FIXED: Empty tabs not hiding from the menu
FIXED: Sub categorizing with dish type breaking menu
FIXED: appearance reseting after update
FIXED: Meal type description not showing under tabbed menu
FIXED: collapsable dish type not functioning
FIXED: Translation issues on menu items
FIXED: ux value for menu none not working
FIXED: Dish type showing ID column incorrectly
FIXED: Reservation submit button appearance not working
FIXED: Party size interger value validation
UPDATED: Restructure the shortcode generator easier shortcode variables
UPDATED: Menu generation code have been completly redone to improve speed
UPDAETD: Reservation form to slide to top of page after submission
UPDATED: Reservation form – party size default value to 1
UPDATED: Compatibility with wordpress 4.4
= 1.2.4 (2015-8-25) =
ADDED: mealtype descriptions added to tabbed menu version
ADDED: time and date fields as dropdown fields
ADDED: ability to make fields required in reservation form
FIXED: thumbnails for all versions of menu to use image instead of background
FIXED: mealtype description only work on first tabbed item
FIXED: date format to be changed dynamically
FIXED: WPML issues
FIXED: meal type description only working on first tab
FIXED: apostrophe in meal type name not showing correct in tabbed menu
FIXED: reservation form: date format to match WP date format
FIXED: Reservation form: field placeholder appearance
FIXED: Compatibility with WP 4.3 version
FIXED: License activation not working
UPDATED: dynamic styles to be updated upon new version update
= 1.2.3 (2015-4-8) =
ADDED: Reservation form to be able to link to a page
FIXED: Tooltip display issue
FIXED: Featured items breaking tabbed menu
FIXED: Appearance settings for reservation form
FIXED: Style issues
UPDATED: AJDE backend settings function
= 1.2.2 (2015-3-23) =
ADDED: phone number to emails
FIXED: phone number as required field in the form
FIXED: Deleting reservations from all reservations page
FIXED: email address not saving on manual reservations
FIXED: Reservation form not saving data correctly
FIXED: Placeholder color for input fields in reservation form
FIXED: Confirm reservations from draft bug
FIXED: Widget not working correct
UPDATED: Support tab links
= 1.2.1 (2015-3-16) =
FIXED: Dish type categorization not working
= 1.2 (2015-3-15)
ADDED: in page reservation form
ADDED: time slot increment options for reservation form
ADDED: Multiline field for reservation form
ADDED: Support for 5 additional reservation form fields with plugin hooks
ADDED: Language tranalation for meal and dish types
ADDED: Complete language support for reservation emails
ADDED: Reservation email preview section to settings
ADDED: Dish type description for menus
ADDED: Ability to set reservation date format same as WP date format
ADDED: Reservation form validation before submission
ADDED: Dashboard reservation widget
ADDED: More reservation form appearance customization options
ADDED: Ability to block today reservations
FIXED: Backend admin translations
FIXED: Dish type and meal type menus with no term values not to work
FIXED: popup menu header styles when no menu image
FIXED: reservation form end time not restricting to limits
FIXED: Color picker to have a more visible select button
FIXED: Language variations not working for reservation form & front-end
FIXED: slashes on apostrophe on menu card and inside
FIXED: Reservations archive page to redirect to home page and not show all reservations
FIXED: Menu archive page not working for some
FIXED: Reservation confirmation email to have custom field details
UPDATED: Menu icon symbols section
= 1.1.10 (2014-11-29)
ADDED: Ability to add custom fields to reservation form
ADDED: Ability to set start and end time for reservation form
ADDED: Disable content filter for menu item text
ADDED: Ability to remove icon from meal type
ADDED: Capacity limit to reservation form party size
ADDED: Dish type collapsed on load
ADDED: Reset appearance colors to default option
ADDED: Dish type icons
FIXED: Menu description not formating in menu items
FIXED: Wordcount not working
FIXED: Reservations shortcode showing on top of the page
FIXED: Wordcount not working correct when short menu description present
FIXED: Icons fields in menu items post to hide when icons are not set in settings
UPDATED: Reservation form functionality
UPDATED: Reservation form language text
= 1.1.9 (2014-9-2)
FIXED: Higher res image for boxed category style menu
FIXED: Shortcode generator button for 3rd party plugin compatibility
FIXED: Error on box category menu pages
FIXED: Setting field names with aphostrophe not saving correct
FIXED: WYSIWYG shortcode button title text
UPDATED: Compatibility with Visual Composer third party plugin
UPDATED: Reservation form phone number validation updated for uk numbers
= 1.1.8(2014-8-20)
= 1.1.7 (2014-7-31)
= 1.1.6(2014-7-26)
= 1.1.5 (2014-5-6)
= 1.1.4 (2014-2-24)
= 1.1.3 [2014-1-16]
= 1.1.2 [2014-1-14]
= 1.1.1 [2014-1-6]
= 1.1 [2014-1-2]
= 1.0 [2013-12-31] =
Are you stuck or having issues with foodpress plugin? not to worry drop us a line on our support forum or search for topics related to your issues thats already answered for quick solutions.